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Friday, May 18, 2012

The first step in taming the mind is to recognize when your mind is taking you in a direction that you don’t want to go.  
Think of thoughts like trains coming into a train station.
Make it your job to notice the sign on the trains that state  the destination that they are going to.  
When a train says that it is going to Shitsville, why would you get on that one?
Trains travel to all sorts of destinations.  (It is not your fault what your mind thinks.) 
All trains come through the train station.  That is what train stations are about.  (You can’t not think what the mind thinks.  Simply put, it thinks what it thinks ~~ and that is what minds do.)
To discern which train to take, you need to learn to pay attention ~~ to slow down enough to observe the trains and notice where they are headed.  
In order to really notice your thoughts and not just go on each and every ride a thought can take you on, you must reside more in the Witnesser – the aspect of the Self who has the ability to witness the mind.  
Part of the first step is to recognize that you do have a choice to either get on the train or to let it go by.  (This is the difference between fueling thoughts and engaging deeper into the story or choosing not to.)
The second step is to learn how to decline where your mind wants to go if it does not serve you.   
Ask yourself if your train of thoughts is helpful.  
Sometimes you might decide that you need to go to Shitsville in order to get somewhere else.  If this is the case, you may want to limit the time you spend in Shitsville and know the train schedule to leave Shitsville before you even go there. (This means that you would give yourself a set time for the particular focus, dive in there, do what you need to do and then truly get out!)

You will either build a trusting relationship with yourself based on the fact that you honor the limits that you set with yourself and you stopped when you said you would -- or your trust with yourself will diminish if you don't come through with your word. It doesn't remain neutral.  Your trust will either strengthen or weaken.
Remember, your mind does not need to dwell on anything that makes you feel bad
unless it is ultimately and consciously in service to you. 
Also, in general, a problem is not solved from the frequency it was created in.  
So, if you are feeling contracted, it is not the best time to try to resolve what is going on.  This is indeed contrary to the mind’s inclination to problem solve when you are feeling upset!  
It is a higher option to take space from what you are upset about.  It is a good time to nurture your self.  
Through self-soothing, you can grow to feel more spacious and ultimately experience greater clarity and intuitive guidance.  
The techniques that I share with you in the next few invitations can be used for cultivating a sense of spaciousness and to decline negative thoughts when they don’t serve you.  (Don’t want to get on that train to Shitsville unless you have to!) 
There are thousands of tools for training the mind.  But all you need is one.  You want to find the one that fits for you.
To find that one, you are going to be invited to “try on” a few different techniques over the next few invites.  
Remember, you are not practicing them alone. 
One of the cool things about our Soul Star Gathering in Community is that we are doing this together.
Training for the mind:
Practice the sound “Shhhhh…” – the sound a loving mother makes to soothe her baby.  This is my favorite tool for the mind.  It is gentle and yet powerful.   I came to it by thinking of the mind as a baby and needing soothing when it gets all fussy and upset.  I share it with all of my clients and it works!  I believe this sound ~~ an archetypal sound through the ages – actually changes brain chemistry.  Try it.  Take a deep inhale, and then with a long exhale, sound out Shhhhhh… follow the sound and breath all the way out.  Notice how it can calm your whole being.
Practice this often ~~ any time your mind is taking you to Shitsville!  Think of the Shhhh as a way to get off the train taking you to a place that doesn't nurture and support you.
Practice this when you feel anxious and thinking negatively.
Avoid getting too involved in the story and just practice Shhhhhh…  like right now, let’s do it together.  
It is so simple but effective!
Gathering in Community, Gathering in Community, let’s tame our minds to be allies!
It is time to send our Group Soul Star out into the Universe to offer our light!
Please share your thoughts and experiences of Soul Star, Vertical Alignment, and Training of the mind with Shhhhh…  so that we can begin to get to know one another and deepen in our Gathering in Community!!!!

Also, please invite others to join our Gathering by signing up on my web page
at ~~ let's expand our Soul star!

1 comment:

  1. Devajoy---I love the idea of our thoughts being trains---so often I feel whooshed right up on them and traveling fast! And there is such kindness in allowing ourselves to choose to go through shitsville a short way if the "only way out is thru" :) and sometimes that is the path of wisdom. And, yes, perhaps bring an angel friend along to gently pull or push you off before staying too long there, getting stuck in the muck! Make whatever arrangements you need to to ensure your safety and sanity. You are in charge. Your are in charge. Did I just repeat that?!
    And thank you for reminding me to remember to witness, stop, and self-soothe when contracted, and listen with our inner ears for divine guidance, that wise one within which we each have, which we each are.
    I feel stirringly soul-starred this wondrous day. Thank you all for Being. Can my name be added to the list that is printed in our Gathering of Community? I love Melanie's idea and wish to add my name's vibrations to the others.
