People are asking me what I feel as I turn 62 years old. My answer is Grateful and Alive and Embodied and Amazed and Scared and Joyful and in Awe...
Grateful... Grateful because I am healthy and so are so many people and animals I know. (Not everyone, but so many.) Grateful because I love my husband so much and my beloveds and my family and all the people and animals close to me and people I interact with and strangers. Grateful for an open flowing heart. Grateful for what I have in my life and how rich my life is. Grateful to be able to use my resources to serve others. Grateful to be awake to the preciousness of This, right here, right now. Grateful because I love being embodied as me - my personality self, my female body, my story, etc. Grateful to be able to see and feel and experience the beauty surrounding me and within me. Grateful to be grateful most of the time.
Alive... Alive with the fullness of life and how each moment spills into the next moment of opportunity to be honest, to be compassionate, to be loving, to be aligned, to be silly, to be connected, to be tender, to be soft, to be powerful, to be authentic, to be Awake.... Alive to the present moment that continually exists as an Invitation. Alive with a full heart and the intention to live this heart into action to make a difference in any way I can. Alive with wisdom to know that all we can do is surrender to the “is-ness” of life (so much we can’t change) and that with surrendering comes “burning” and with “burning” comes loosening up of the grip, allowing, accepting, deepening and maybe even more spaciousness.
Embodied.... Embodied with strength of my spirit, strong body, full heart, and much of the time, clear mind. Embodied with love, as love, moving towards more love. Embodied with the wisdom to no longer make up stories about what should be but rather, wholeheartedly living into “what is” with all that I am.
Amazed... Amazed with the richness of life, how fast time goes, the opportunities to show up, the horrors that we tolerate, the ignorance that runs the world, the beauty and goodness that pulsates with willingness and the generosity of heart.
Scared... Scared of the speed of time passing. Days become months become years become decades and bam, here are the sunset years! Scared of aging. Dad said, “You either age or you don’t” — and so right he was! Scared of experiencing intense attachment to everyone and everything I love, no matter how much I meditate! Scared of the magnitude of how destructive humans are to each other, to all species, and to our Mother Earth. Scared of our immense denial of our Oneness that leads to such intense pain and loss as millions of sentient beings who live on this planet as two-legged, four-legged, finned, winged and crawling life forms experience painful dying processes due to climate change and unnecessary tragedies and atrocities that we impose on one another. Scared of the implications if we don’t turn it around in time (and it doesn’t look promising right now).
Joyful... Joyful to experience love. Joyful to be Me. Coz I truly enjoy my personality self, my female body, my story, and the beauty of everyone who is in my life. Joyful to know that the Me includes You and the You includes Me because the same Essence is within you and me. Joyful to eat ice cream, drink chai, love Nature and wag my tail and purr simultaneously.
InAwe... In Awe Because of everything stated above and everything I didn’t put into words, In Awe of the Mystery that unfolds this whole trip that I will never figure out and can only humbly embrace as bigger and vaster than my mind will ever understand. In Awe of the Infinite that permeates all impermanence. In Awe of Oneness that gives rise to the play of duality that can be so endlessly entertaining. In Awe of the young people who don’t want to be murdered in their schools who are leaders in cultivating much needed change. In Awe of the Connection that exists between each and every one of us.
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