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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Forty-Second Invitation

Healing Heart Communications, Inc.

Gathering in Community
Our Circle Expands!

I Choose to Lift Into the Light!

This is a spiritual practice.  Let’s enter deeper into it together.

Let’s begin with the first word — I 

This is a declaration that “I Exist.”  There is a differentiated “I”  -- Divine energy (shakti) manifesting asme.  This is the I AM-ness.

The I is the root chakra. “I exist.” I am. I take up space. I have a form. A personality. An ego. A soul. A childhood. A story. Preferences. Styles. Attitudes.  I Claim I!  I Claim my existence! The “I” is the foundation into a sense of anchoring into the Bigger Self.  The soul.  Self-worth.  Self-esteem.  Self-respect.  Self-boundaries and protection.  Self.  Say the word with me out loud and claim your existence.  “I”!

CHOOSE — The great spiritual teacher Baba Muktananda used to say that we have as much choice about what happens in our lives as we do if we are standing on one leg and then lift it off the ground. I guess that’s not much, since most of us can’t pull that one off.  Yet, what is clear is that we have choice on what to focus on and how to focus (unless our biochemistry is not balanced enough....).  We don’t necessarily have choice about what life circumstances unfold in our lives. 

We do have choice on how we respond to our life circumstances.  Ideally, how we respond is not based on fleeting feelings and moods.  Feelings arise and subside, like ocean waves. We can’t contract for feelings — not even with ourselves.  

But no matter what we feel, we can choose the inner posture we take with our feelings and life circumstances.  And once again, if not berated by biochemical storms, we can choose how to focus.  What we focus on expands.  Choosing is empowerment.  Choosing is being in the driver’s seat of the vehicle of awareness and driving in the direction you want to go.  Let’s add the word to “I” and claim out loud “I choose”!

What do you choose? 

I choose
TO look upward, to move upward, to be raised, to rise...

Lifting is the spreading of wings; lifting is noticing the good: lifting is opening to enjoying this moment... lifting is being vertical... lifting is soaring into vastness; lifting is awareness of dimensions besides this earth plane; lifting is usually always a positive stance in life. 

When have you ever heard the word used negatively in any way?  To lift is to inspire and be inspired.  To lift is to say “yes” and allow and open. To lift is to envision and step into the bigger picture.  To lift is to expand. To lift is surrendering, disappearing, embracing the More of ourselves....

I choose to lift....  I choose to lift... 

Say this out loud and move your body upward as you claim “I choose to lift...” Bring your arms up, look up, stand up, rise!

What are you lifting into? 

In-to: "In" is the entering within  — "to" is the bridging,  connecting, merging with...  Say it out loud “I choose to lift into...”

I choose to lift, to lift into the light... light... light... beyond words.... light.... illumination... light.. the mystery... the shakti... the divine... Light — presence that enlightens... uplifts... guides... unfolds... Light — literally, electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths that travels in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,000 miles per second that is visible to the human eye... Light... is miraculous in and of itself.

Say it with me and move your body into a flow that demonstrates the words —

“I choose to lift into the light!”

Now, imagine stepping into a shower of light (just like a shower of water that you bathe in but this one is not made of water but of light!).  Allow this portal of light to permeate your cellular make up, and as it penetrates your energy field, the power of the light re-configures your own energy field... the light naturally re-arranges you... The light lifts your frequency into higher vibration.  

You don’t have to “do” anything.  The light, by its very power, by its very vibratory frequency, changes you as you step into it and the dimensions of your energy field are permeated with the frequency of the light.  You cannot stay the same.  Just like when you step into a shower of water, you get wet — this shower of light rearranges you.  There is nothing you need to do but lift into it.  It is not up to the ego.  You don’t have to do anything at all. Except to step into the shower of light.  Visualize this shower of light and step into it.​

It is a portal.  You lift into the light and allow it to absorb you, permeate you, rearrange you, re-configure you, re-organize you... it just happens... nothing you have to do... no effort, no anything... just here... allowing yourself to be showered in light...

Allow yourself to be in the power of the light... in the portal of light... in the shower of light... in the starry vastness of light... in the scintillating light... in the shimmering light... disappear... I will gently bring you back in about ten minutes... disappear into timeless time...I choose to lift into the light!

I choose to lift into the light.  No matter what!!!!  No matter what!!!  Claim this! 

Bow to the light, salutations to the light... within everyone... within...

Light light light... light light light... light light light. ... I choose to lift into the light!




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