I am watching a certain shock wave move through people around me after listening to Mueller being interviewed. We learned unequivocally that the Russians not only impacted our elections but are continuing to do so this very day and into the future. He clearly stated that unless we do something about that, he is afraid that this is our “new normal.” This means that America’s democracy could be gone. That evening of July 24th, the day of Mueller interviews, I sat with my beautiful sister who still has shreds of idealism and she stated that surely after hearing Mueller testify, there would be a bipartisan effort to unite forces to stop Russia. My cynic was not sure she was accurate and unfortunately was proven right as we learned that on the same day Mueller testified and addressed the severity and seriousness of ongoing Russian interference, the Republicans blocked two bills from being passed that would bring more security to our elections.
It is evident that the Republicans do not want it to stop and why would they since it puts them in power. I would love to see what would happen if other countries interfered and put the Democrats in power — the outcry from the Republicans and what they would do about it! And if we could imagine that, then maybe the Democrats could learn something from them and have more backbone! And all of us, no matter what our beliefs are, would be out on the streets protesting vehemently to protect democracy! But instead, nothing is happening except for everyone around me sharing that they feel sick.
As Trump distracts us with his toxic attacking tweets, we are often unknowingly experiencing the impact from Trump’s vigorous repealing of protections for clean air, water and land that are increasing the speed of extinction.
It will never be the same. As two hundred species are gone every day and the damages from climate crisis rapidly increases, the Trump administration is prohibiting scientists from mentioning climate crisis on their web sites and documentations. Isn’t this criminal in and of itself?
It is evident that we are in darker times than we even thought. I don’t know if it will turn around in my lifetime and as horrified as I am about this, I realize that i can not allow my insides be dictated by the demise of America. Because truly this might go on my whole life. (I hope not!!!)
As Trump rolls back 83 environmental regulations, and jeopardizes everything and everyone living, in the name of economy, we hardly notice because of all the distractions he creates. It’s so important that we keep our eye on what is happening behind his curtain and know what is actually going on to what we truly care about.
My husband has asked me if I would be willing to move to another country. I said, “No, what for?” Moving would not decrease my awareness or heartache. I am about “the Resistance” —although I must admit that I don’t know yet how to effectively channel my “resistance.”
But what I do know is that I am to start within. I refuse to allow my own sense of goodness be taken over. I refuse to only see the dark. I am committed to finding the light and the good, even if it is buried under layers of atrocities and I can only glimpse at smidgens of light.
Yesterday Ford, Volkswagen, Honda, and BMW reached a deal with California to increase the fuel economy of — and reduce emissions from — their new vehicle fleets through 2026. The deal roughly matches the cleaner car plan put in place by the Obama-era Environmental Protection Agency — a plan that the Trump administration has been working feverishly to undo since the he took office in 2017. It could end up being a crucial victory in the fight to keep vehicle emissions standards high in the face of a worsening climate crisis. This victory is something to focus on and celebrate and actively support as automakers defy Trump’s administration.
I believe we must discover where the sun rays break through the thick overlay of stormy clouds. We must find the rays and dance in them and stay in touch with the sun that is behind the dark skies. We must see how the human spirit in some of us, even some corporations, is strong and resilient and unwilling to cooperate with destructive forces. This is warrior spirit.
What we focus on expands. Truly, what we focus on, expands.
When we see what is happening, we might feel sick and yes, it’s important to throw up with our disgust as we feel it and see it. And yes, it’s important to express our grief and rage and drop to our knees and pound the ground as we feel it. And then we must get up and channel these feelings into good actions. To find the good, in ourselves and each other — and show up with more intention and power than ever — with kindness, thoughtfulness, good actions, good thoughts.
Our warrior calling is to be brilliantly loving, caring and mobilized to do good and be good and radiate goodness and join organized actions that help others and our earth.
We can not be stopped. This is the inner warrior stance — to not identify with the ugliness we see and to keep showing up with what we know is “dharmic” — “the path of right action.”
This is my response to the deep discouragement that I am witnessing.
This is my call to kindred spirits everywhere to keep our spirits strong.
So, if we spend time with the horrible news, which i believe is important to do, then I challenge all of us all to also find the good news — where people are enacting acts of goodness and consciousness that are healing and up lifting. Check out our FB The Goodness Breath Project. It is all about good people doing good actions that help others. Goodness in action. Good people and actions are happening. It is our responsibility to keep our eye on the good and add to it.
Let’s do our spiritual practices that align us with something bigger and greater than this worldly focus, also referred to as “Maya.” (Wikipedia: Māyā is a spiritual concept connoting "that which exists, but is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal", and the "power or the principle that conceals the true character of spiritual reality.”) This is a time of thick Maya. It is said by the Spiritual Masters that when the Maya is intense, it is a great time for spiritual work. It is a must. It is essential to remember our true natures and to not identify with the illusionary disturbing nature of our life circumstances. This is the time to up the ante on our self-care and sense of vertical alignment that sources on energy not locked into this earth plane of duality.
This is the time for our inner warriors to stay vital, impassioned and sourcing from the depths within and in community. If we make it a practice to turn to the light, step into the light, embody the light, and radiate the light, we will not be without light, no matter how dark our times are.
To be the light during these times means we can not identify with the dark times.
We stay aware, we grieve, we fight, we pray, we chant, we meditate, we call our politicians, we protest, we give money to what matters, we dance, we love, we play, we find the tree that is still standing and we fertilize it and love it, and rescue the bug who is drowning in the swimming pool. We notice every opportunity to help another. We notice all that perseveres. We keep showing up with more love than we ever dreamt possible.
Because that is what the warrior does.
The warrior knows its time to be even stronger in the mission in the dark hours.
This is what every super hero movie is about. They demonstrate what we need to do.
It is warrior time. It is time to be vigorous in the light.
In light, devajoy
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