Inner Steps to Take for Holiday Challenges
The Holiday Season can be very challenging for people. Often the
life-circumstances that are most difficult in one’s life become magnified at
holiday time. Maybe you feel lonely as a single person or perhaps you feel
lonely in your marriage or partnership, or someone you love is sick, or your
family relationships are strained... whatever the issue is, just know that it
is common to experience what you feel is off in your life as more intense than
usual. If this is true for you, just know that you have lots of company at this
holiday time. The expectations for holiday time frequently do not match one’s
reality. This can be disappointing, depressing, isolating, despairing, and
sometimes marked by sabotaging behaviors that push people and opportunities
First Step: be aware that you may struggle more during the
holiday time and allow space and understanding of this as a phenomenon that
Second Step: be compassionate with yourself. You don’t need
any more stress on top of the stress that’s already happening. Be intentionally extra kind to yourself.
Breathe into your heart and soothe yourself in the same way you would talk to a
friend or a child who is stressed out.
Third Step: name the triggering life-circumstances that
you are experiencing, (e.g. being alone while everyone seems to have somebody,
feeling estranged from your partner, watching your child be unhappy, struggling
in school, being unemployed, on and on...) The triggers are what you see as the
reasons for your unhappiness.
Fourth Step: name the
feeling that is arising for you in relation to the trigger (e.g. lonely, sad,
angry, despairing, frustrated, small, inadequate, unimportant, unworthy).
Fifth Step: track back
through your memories and remember times you have felt this way before. By doing this, you can recognize that these
feelings have arisen at various times in your life and live within you. The
life-circumstances are the triggers, not the cause.
Sixth Step: shift your
focus from the triggering life-circumstance to the feelings that arise in you —
and give permission to these feelings.
These feelings call for extra care and tenderness for yourself. Make space for these feelings and allow them
to be there. Remember, what you resist, persists.
Seventh Step: take the
time to explore and name what it is that you truly want.
When we name something we want, it is usually the feeling
experience we are actually seeking and that we associate having that particular
feeling with particular life-circumstances.
We go into the trance of believing that we need to have “such and
such” happen in our lives in order
to feel a certain way.
Dare to penetrate through the layers of thought until you finally
have insight into the feeling you are actually longing to experience. For
example, if your mind says, “I want a partner,” inquire further with the
question, “What is the feeling that I believe I would have if I have a
partner?” Let’s say the answer is — “If I have a partner, I would not feel alone,
and I would feel loved and worthy.” The
belief is that what is wrong right now is that I don’t have a partner and a
partner is necessary in order to have the experience of feeling loved, worthy
and not alone. Of course, we know that we can ask plenty of married people
about how they feel in their lives and they might not respond with, “Loved,
worthy and not alone.” Ultimately nothing outside of us dictates how we feel
with ourselves in life. It’s an inside job.
Eighth Step: make a
list of all of the things you believe you want to be different in your
life. This may be similar to the list
from the seventh step and it may be a little different.
Ninth Step: start a
new list, starting with the words, “If I have _____________ (and fill the blank
with one of the things on your list), I believe I would feel ________________.”
Then circle all of the feelings you are wanting to experience.
These feelings are what you are truly going after.
Tenth Step: draw a big
circle on a page and write all of these feelings you want to feel inside the
circle. The circle contains the feeling map of what you truly want for
Eleventh Step: sit
with yourself. Turn inward. Say each feeling out loud and explore where these
feelings live within side of yourself and how you experience them in your body.
Perhaps you may utilize memories of when you have felt these feelings before but
instead of focusing on what was happening back then (as if those life
circumstances caused you to feel the feelings,) focus instead on the sensations
of these feelings in your body right now as you invoke them.
These feeling states are inside of you. If you cannot access
memories that give rise to these feelings, then imagine what it would be like
to feel them and how you would experience them in your body. You can use your
imagination and visualize scenes that help you to contact these feelings within.
Whether you see yourself in a spaceship or in a faerie kingdom, it’s all yours
to create and dream into.
These feelings that you long for live within you. Once you know
this, you can discern what helps you to access these feelings or what makes it
more difficult. There are things and people you can engage with that help you
to enhance your ability to access the feeling states that you prefer.
Remember, life-circumstances don’t make us feel certain things.
We enter into a societal trance believing that things outside of ourselves can
make us feel certain ways, whether its a product being advertised as key to
making you feel more beautiful or people in your life who keep asking you about
when you are getting married, or if you are having children, or if you are
going to move up in your job.
Bottom line, every life situation has its issues. These issues
often become more pronounced during the holiday season. But it’s not really
about these problems. It’s about how we respond to the issues and life-circumstances
in our lives. In more circumstances than
we usually realize, we are able to access the feeling states we are seeking for
within ourselves. Always return again and again to being compassionate with
yourself, no matter what you are feeling.
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