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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tenth Invitation

Healing Heart Communications, Inc.
Our Circle Expands!
"Up, Down, All Around Undivided Uno

Gathering in Community


For the March play class, this was our theme.  Up, Down, All Around, Undivided Uno. It was not only so much fun, it also seemed to lighten things up for people by the way of being more accepting of the ups and downs and all arounds that life is made of.  It was such a rich gathering that i have decided to bring it to the newsletter for the folks who aren't in play class, (which is most of you!)

 So, what does this theme really mean? Up, down, all around, undivided Uno? First i will share that the theme of the year is Surprise!  And then every month, I am 'surprising" my play mates with a new theme that starts the letter of the word "surprise" -- this month was the "U".  And that's what popped into my head, Up, Down, All Around, Undivided Uno!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

It kind of describes the journey we are all on.  In the world of duality, in which our minds live, where we name and distinguish life experiences -- we go up and we go down and we go everywhere in between -- All around!  This is what our life stories are about.  This is what we talk about with our friends.  This is what we are aware of experiencing.  And, we have all lived long enough to know that when we are up, we will also go down. And when we are down, we will also go up. 

I remember sitting with my client who was distressed and she was trying to comfort herself.  She said out loud, "It will get better."  And ii blurted out, "And worse."  And that is because the roller coaster of life doesn't end.  And if we base our sense of identity and well-being on the hope that one day it will get better, we are fucked.  Because that one day does come when it is better, and then following that is the worse, and up and down and all around it goes.  From the moment we are born to the moment we die.  When we are babies, life goes up when our needs are met; life goes down when our needs are not met.  It's a very simple formula.  It seems like it gets a bit more complicated as we grow up.  Whose baseline needs aren't met who is reading this newsletter, and yet, don't we still have our downs?

The mind can not help but to name ups and downs.  And they are so obvious.  Most of us are responsive to "outside" events that occur: A baby is born = up.  A being we love is diagnosed with cancer = down.  Falling in love = up. Relationship issues = all around.  Crashing and burning after "falling" in love = down.  Someone dies = down.  Global weirding = down. Homeless people and homeless animals = down. Okay, okay, so the list for downs may appear longer... that in and of itself = down. Now. Urrrr... turn the mind around -- breathing = up. Blue skies = up. Spring = up. Blossoming flowers = up. Chicks being born = up. Chicks born in factory farms = down. Urrrr...  turn it around...  doggie licks = up. Cat purrs = up. Children laughing = up. A good talk with someone you love = up. A fight with someone you love = down and all around.  Taking care of "earth stuff" = all around. Being alive = up. Being alive = down. Being alive = all round.

In a single day, a single morning, a single afternoon, if we pay close attentions, there are fluctuations continuously -- sort of like the ocean waves ebbing in and out all the time... so it is the same with all of the fluctuations of expansions  and contractions in a day.  We exchange smiles with someone, our hearts open and expand.  The next moment we hear something on the news and our hearts hurt and contract.  The next moment the phone rings, we pick up, to deal with this or that and it's all around.  On and on... moment to moment... up, down, all around.

You can not stop this.  Nor is there any reason to try.  Enlightenment is not about not experiencing the ups and downs and all arounds... it is about not identifying with it.  But when i say this, it does not mean that the mind is simply quiet and detached through it all.  Well, maybe, if you are Don Juan or Shree Guruji Maha Swami.

Part of the trip is that the mind creates its own up and down and all around without any outside stimulus.  Because...  that's what minds do.  So, its important to not believe everything your mind tells you.  Actually, you can use the "witness" part of the mind to help you watch the play of up, down, all around, just by naming it and remembering that the up or down or all around is part of the endless formula of up, down, all around, so you don't have to take any of it so seriously!!!  Just name it.  And see if you can bring your body into it.  Not just during these two hours but for the rest of the month.  When your up, go "Up" and bring your body into it!  And when your down, claim "down" and bring your body into it.  When we bring our bodies into anything, we experience it fuller.

If we could loosen up our attachment "to be happy" which is just one piece of the pie -- and instead, embrace all of life experience with curiosity and interest.  All feelings and life experiences are part of the tapestry of life and "happy" are just some of the threads of the tapestry -- they don't make up the whole tapestry.  Instead, bringing great witnessing and wonder and love to all of it -- because all of it is life -- is greater than attaching to "happiness".

So, up, down, all around...  Another metaphor is life is like a stream.  Sometimes the stream is clear, other times it goes over rocks, other times it is murky and other times it is pure.  But its all one stream!  Thus, Undivided Uno!

"Undivided. Uno."

Advaita Vedanta is a school of Hindu philosophy and religious practice, giving "a unifying interpretation of the whole body of Upanishads.

Upanishads are the ancient scripture teachings of the Hindu teachings

Advaita teachings are all about non-duality. Advaita means "not two" -- everything is one.  So, here we are -- Undivided, Uno.

So, how to remember the Undivided when everything appears to be divided?  How to remember Uno when it all seems so duo and trio and quadruple?

This is the question and invitation for all mystics through all of time.  Lifetimes are spent on this very issue.

Undivided, Uno.  Come sit up in meditation posture.  Feel the breath inhale you (up) feel the breath exhale (down) Notice the flow of the breath filling you and emptying you (all round) Notice how the prana breathes you and the up and the down are one breath and how this moment flows into this very next moment and it's all one.  And how your foot is connected to your neck to your hand to your toe to your tongue and it is all one body.  And the atoms of your body are actually full of space and intermingling with all the atoms in this room and it is all really One.  And how the ups flow into downs, just like the inhale gives way into the exhale.  And it goes all around.  and it is  all really One experience of life and if we released judgement and fear it would all be Un-divided -- Uno experience.  No-one and no-thing is separate.

Undivided uno -- undivided uno -- whisper it over and over...  let it beckon you inside...

Go inside.   Allow an image to arise that expresses to you the experience of "Undivided Uno."  Allow other words to come to mind that express this experience to you.  Like, Union, or Beloved, Or Acceptance, Or God/dess.  What are your words and image?  can you invoke this awareness of the stream....  all being one experience of life and worthy'.

Oneness!  Uno!  We know that we are one -- yet, how do we remember, when we are cutting each other off driving or wanting people to hurry on the grocery line or wishing the "other" political party wouldn't get in the way of getting good things done for our country or worrying about a terrorist attack or nuclear bombs being made by the "other" countries? How do we remember?  That is why there is sadhana -- spiritual practices.  Or, why people go live in ashrams.  Or, why people study scriptures. Or, why people sign up for The Oneness Experiment or The Course of Miracles or on and on...

So, how are we going to remember our divine Undivided Oneness?  Our Uno spirit?
Since we probably won't be moving into an ashram or studying scripture cuz we are just so busy with the world of duality that we give ourselves to 99% of the time...  how are we going to remember?

By simply invoking.  Undivided... Uno!  By having fun with this invocation so that we can resonate with our own truth of ourselves.  Our souls prevail with the truth  -- the Uno -- stronger than the personality's involvement with the duo!

I invite you to play with the awareness of UP DOWN ALL AROUND UNDIVIDED UNO.  It doesn't matter if we are not always successful of waking up out of the trance of duality -- coz the dance is up, down all around undivided Uno, no matter what!

Some quotes about the Uno:

All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.
Chief Seattle (c. 1786 - 1866)

There is only one breath. All are made of the same clay. The light within all is the same.
Guru Granth Sahib

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
Black Elk, Source: Black Elk (1863-1950)

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.
Buddha (563 - 483 BC)

The only difference between you and me, is "and".
Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi

There is only one moment -- it just keeps getting filled up with different stuff.
Tony Rooney

The choiceless truth of who you are is revealed to be permanently here permeating everything. Not a thing and not separate from anything.
gangaji, Source: The Diamond In Your Pocket

A person experiences life as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.
Albert Einstein

One experience -- up, down, all around; you, me, everyone, only One...  its all made of the same stuff, if you only look close enough.

Enjoy the Up Down All Around Undivided Uno and embrace all of it with wonder.

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  1. Another gorgeous, brilliant dive into(and out of and all around) the ocean of the self. Free therapy from the real deal...Devajoy!
