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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thirteenth Invitation

Healing Heart Communications, Inc.
Our Circle Expands!

 Opening to Oneness

Gathering in Community

August Newsletter

Do you remember our Soul Star ritual?  We connect with laser beams of light with each person who is reading this.  Now, you might think this is silly since you don't know who is reading the newsletter or when they are reading it.  But what if I told you that Soul Star Connection transcends both of these issues because it is about our Oneness?  Do you still feel resistance to actually bringing your focus to visualizing the laser beam of light extending from your soul star (about a foot above the crown of your head) linking to others' soul stars? And then there is our group soul star linking to each of us from above.  Can you actually take a moment and close your eyes and visualize this?

Did you close your eyes and do that?  Did you notice how you didn't want to?  Meet the ego (again).  The ego doesn't want to disappear into Oneness.  Soul Star ritual is just one of many ways of attuning to our Oneness.

What would it be like if you practiced knowing Oneness -- with vigilance, with commitment, with knowingness, with passion?

What would it be like if Oneness can have your attention even one third of the time?

What would it be like if you lived your life from a sense of Oneness instead of separation?  How would your world be different?  And, how would you show up differently in your own life and in your relationships?

More kindness…?  More love...?  Ahhhhh...

Many of our thoughts and behaviors are based from our sense of separation.

What would it be like to bring intention into action and live from Oneness?

My beloved friend, Pamela, demonstrates attunement to our Oneness as she calls upon guidance daily with this invocation:

"I ask for support, from all the beings of light who form the embodiment of Divine Consciousness, to assist me, in aligning and balancing my humanity with my divinity, so I may truly say and feel, "We are One, We are One, We are One!"

Ahhh… why not try it on and invoke along with Pamela?

What does it really mean if we live with the awareness of our Oneness?  What actions and thought patterns change?

Maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be so harsh in our judgments.  Maybe, just maybe, there would be more compassion.
If we practice this knowingness as if we really know it, then we may be less invested in what our thoughts tell us…thoughts that separate us from one another.  If we practice knowing this knowingness, our hearts may be more open and we may experience more reverence for all of life.

Slow it down.  Truly, how would your life be different -- your moment to moment experience -- if you practiced feeling into Oneness?

Would you be willing to practice Oneness?  Is there a way you can make it more real for yourself?

The ego doesn't really understand this Oneness thing.

For your Spirit, Oneness is not a concept, but a reality.

Thus, the more time we spend in Soul Time, the more it is a natural experience to be in Oneness Consciousness.

So, how do you tune into Soul Time?  What does Soul Time mean to you?

Obviously, it wouldn't be time in your head, trying to figure out things.  Soul Time wouldn’t be when you are identifying with judgments about yourself or others.  So, what is Soul Time?

People often experience Soul time when in nature, when meditating, chanting, doing yoga, dancing, creating art work, or simply looking at the blue sky.  It is important to know yourself well enough to know how and what helps you to disappear into Soul Time.

But perhaps more important is for you to know how to identify the inner experience of Soul Time.

How would you describe Soul Time for you?

Some descriptions that I have heard from people include: Spaciousness, allowing, softening, surrendering, opening, identifying with nothing that is happening, living in the vastness of the big "I' as in "I am everything and no-thing" -- rather than the little "i" who is identified with how people see you or how you think they see you, what you are or aren't accomplishing, reacting and believing in your reactions, etc. etc. etc... (This etcetera is endless -- meaning, everything that happens to you can be personalized and made into something by your ego.)

Soul Time is a Coming Home -- a Remembering and Returning to the Essence within that does not fluctuate with the life circumstances.

In this essence, Oneness is an experience that there is no true separation -- that your essence is the same essence within every person, every being, everything.  This is reality.

So, how come we forget it so quickly?

The undertow of this dream -- this world of duality -- that we live in is so strong that there needs to be effort to remember until awakening happens and then it is effortless.  If awakening hasn't happened yet, the effort is required and it is so worth it.  Think of it as a spiritual practice, a discipline, a path to commit to...and then, just witness... witness... the unfoldment...

The Witnesser is part of the remembering... the witnesser observes everything that unfolds, from thoughts, to body sensations, to breath, to life circumstances and events, to relationships, to triggers and reactions. The Witnesser is the hum that is constant.  It is always there.  It is not your mind thinking or your heart feeling or your body' sensations.  There is no judgment in witnessing, no evaluation.  Everything -- mind, heart, body, life circumstances -- are observed by the witnesser, including judgment, including a sense of separation and aloneness...

Witnessing... observing... from deep inside, a lens of seeing.  And the nature of everything you see is that it all comes and goes…and comes and goes.  Thoughts, feelings, life circumstances...  the witnesser remains steady, just there, witnessing...

Ground in the Witnesser. Find Witnessing more fascinating than the comings and the goings that the witnesser is witnessing...

Witnessing loosens up the habit to identify with the mind, the sensations, the life circumstances, all of which change.  Ultimately, we always hurt when we identify with that which is impermanent.

Witnessing is a gateway into Soul Time.

Until we share next time, practice witnessing, prioritize Soul Time, open to Oneness. 

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