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Live the life you love. Love the life you live.
- Bob Marley
What happens inside of you when you read this quote?
Do you feel inspired? Or, do you stumble? Does it feel like "When such and such happens, then I can love my life?" Do you... really... love your life? Come on, take a moment and think about it. I am asking you, heart to heart, soul to soul, do you actually love your life?
Do you love what you do with your time and energy?
Do you love your home?
Do you love who you spend time with?
Do you love what you do with your days and nights?
Do you love being in your own skin and spending time with yourself? (It all starts here...)
If you make this quote your life mission, for what else is there, really, what needs to change in your life to love it? To feel really juicy about it? Come on, don't just read the words. Contemplate for a moment. Write about it... why not? It can only help!
What changes in your life If you make this quote your life mission? What needs to fall away? What do you need more of? How does your life need to change in order for you to claim that you love your life? And what stops you from making these changes? Truly, pause...what stops you?
Let's say you have a blank canvas and on it are the words "My life". Now you get to create and live out this thing called your life. It has a beginning and an end. You are somewhere between these two points. Knowing it doesn't go on forever, you want your creation to really express your heart's desires. What do you create on your canvas? Truly, I dare you to take this inquiry seriously (for after all, we are talking about your life!) Really, answer the question. This is between you and you. And by the way, if you just read this and don't actually bother, then you are choosing a missed opportunity to deepen with yourself -- and I don't know anything better to offer you than an invitation to deepen with yourself. Because I sit with people all day. And everyone wants to love what they live and live what they love -- more! So, if you don't think you have time for this or didn't ask for it or you already have done this, that's fine but perhaps a rip off of a chance to further refine what you are living in some way.
So, really, what is the difference in what you are living to what you desire to live?
What choices can you make to make your realities match your fantasies of what you desire in life?
If your mind is saying, "I can't bring my loved one back from death, so my life cannot possibly match my heart's desires" -- well, you have a point! But as we all find out after experiencing loss, life continues after losses. Not so easy but they do. So, now what? Now with all that you got now, including mortality, what do you want to live that would allow for enjoying and loving into your life as it is?
When it comes to change, we can change the external and make it more to our liking and loving... and/or change our perception of what we are living so we love it more. How can you love your life more, right now, as it is? What needs to shift within you so you love it? Right now!? What judgements need to fall away? How can you be gentler and kinder and more compassionate, starting with yourself?
As a psychotherapist, I have found that the more comfortable one is in their own skin, being okay with oneself, no matter what one feels inside, then there are more resources available to love into this, no matter what this is. Also, the more authentic connecting one has in their life, one feels less alone in this journey that can and will be challenging, (no matter how you design it). Feeling less alone has a lot of relevance when it comes to loving one's life, don't you find that to be true?
Live the life you love...
And love the life you live...
It's an invitation not to be denied.
To share about your experience,
Go to my blog at: www.devajoy.net
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